Want even more strategies to make the best hire?

Save 50% off Mastering the Hire: 12 Strategies to Improve Your Odds of Finding the Best Hire by Chaka Booker when you order today! Use code HIREMASTER at checkout to redeem your exclusive discount.


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What if you were able to make the right hire 9 times out of 10?

Research shows that without intentional interviewing practices, you only have a 50/50 chance of hiring the right employee.

So many things get in the way of making the best decision about who will add the most value to your team.

Personal preferences. Gut feelings. Communication style. And other faulty short-cuts our brains trick us into believing are acceptable replacements for an accurate picture of a candidate's skills.

With Chaka Booker's Mastering the Hire, you'll receive practical, thoughtful, and sometimes unconventional ideas for optimizing your team's hiring process so you stop losing money replacing bad hires and destroying team culture with toxic players.

Get this deal on the 2020 breakout book on hiring for modern teams now!

Inside this book, you'll discover...

How to manage your intuition: when to trust it and when to put it aside

Questions design principles that influence candidates to tell the truth

The power of pressure on candidates and among interviewees during the interview process

Tools for removing bias and encouraging diversity of thought on your team

How to identify the 4 key competencies which accurately assess candidate potential

A new way of conducting resume reviews, phone interviews, and in-person interviews

Meet Chaka Booker

Chaka Booker is the managing director of The Broad Center, a national nonprofit founded by billionaire Eli Broad and focused on leadership development. He has conducted at least 15 years of research in hiring processes and recruited and developed talent across the country.