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Before you go... crack the code on 101 more tough conversations.


Get the verbiage and scripts you need for every situation you might face as an employer or manager.

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4 Ways to Leverage This Book

Learn how to...

  1. Manage uncomfortable workplace situations (like disciplinary and attitude problems, inappropriate appearance choices, and social and cultural differences) 
  2. Help your employees pinpoint the source of their own performance transgressions and the reasons they violate policy or procedure (why is their behavior unacceptable?)
  3. Conduct above-the-board performance reviews (ones that treat employees with respect and allow them to maintain their dignity)
  4. Lay off an employee (we all hate to do it, but there is a better way to cut ties)

...and much more.

Meet the Author

This book isn’t Paul Falcone’s first walk around the press. He is the author of titles ranging from 2600 Effective Phrases for Performance Reviews to 96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire, and so much more.

Drawing on his experience in senior-level human resources positions at companies including Nickelodeon, Paramount Pictures, and Motion Picture & Television Fund, Falcone delivers the secrets behind finding the right hires, developing positive employee relationships, and being the best leader you can be for your team.

Procrastination is so yesterday.

Do your future team a favor by addressing today’s problems with certainty.