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The Minimalist’s Employee Onboarding Plan to Ensure a Successful Hire

A low input, high output process to leverage new hires at any company of any size.

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Everything you'll get for free:

  • Create a clear process for the first 90 days with an employee onboarding checklist
  • Take the hassle out of follow-up by using 3 months of employee review email templates
  • Capture results in real-time with an editable employee onboarding tracking spreadsheet

Get the most value out of new hires. Give the most value to new hires.

Does your company put a lot of resources into finding the right candidate, only to underwhelm them on Day One?
Even the biggest, most successful companies fail by a wide margin when it comes to their onboarding practices.

That’s why you need an outlined onboarding process.
It gives you and your team standard operating procedures to set new employees up for success.

Download these free tools to establish an easy-to-start onboarding process for your company, big or small.

Note from the Author

Paul Falcone, author of 96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire

"Few organizations dedicate appropriate resources to the overall onboarding experience. In fact, many companies do little more than new employee orientation on a hire’s first day. Some dedicate a full day to it, while others try to limit it to a half day or even to one hour. That’s a critical oversight on their part."

The Minimalist’s Employee Onboarding Plan to Ensure a Successful Hire