You’re in! We’re excited to have you as a member of the Leadership Essentials Book Club! We’ve got our calendars marked for July 6, the official start date, but you can start reading Your Hidden Superpower now and drop in and join us anytime in July during our four weeks of special events! Here are a few things you need to know before we get started:
*Only one discount applicable per order
As you go through the book and complete the 20 Days of Kindness at Work Challenge Calendar, share your experience using the hashtags #kindnessatworkchallenge and #leadershipessentialsbookclub. The challenges are set to occur throughout the month of July, but that shouldn't stop you from getting a head start!
Download them now and set an example for your workplace, friends, and followers online.
Enjoy these free downloads while you wait for your ordered materials to arrive! Click on any of the images to download the PDF files to your computer, smart phone, or other mobile device. We've also sent these to your email from sender name Leadership Essentials (
You can read the book at your own page, but if you need a roadmap, here is the schedule of the topics and chapters we'll be discussing each week. Use this schedule if you're forming your own book club in your workplace, too!
Week One (July 6-July 10) — The Ask: Kindness 2.0
Read: Chapters 1-3
Facebook group live chat: Friday, July 10 at 12 p.m. CT
Week Two (July 13-July 17) — Building Trust
Read: Chapters 4-6
Facebook group live chat: Friday, July 17 at 12 p.m. CT
Week Three (July 20-July 24) — Allies at Work
Read: Chapters 7-9
Facebook group live chat: Friday, July 24 at 12 p.m. CT
Week Four (July 27-July31)* — Resilience in a Crazy World
Read: Chapters 10-13
Facebook group live chat: Friday, July 31 at 12 p.m. CT
*All videos will be available again for viewing during this week.
Check your email for confirmation of your registration for the book club. And join the Facebook Group to connect with other book club members!
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