"For anyone wanting to elevate their interview skills, this superb book does the job!” —STEPHEN M. R. COVEY, New York Times bestselli...
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"For anyone wanting to elevate their interview skills, this superb book does the job!” —STEPHEN M. R. COVEY, New York Times bestselling author of The Speed of Trust
Go into your next job interview with confidence, ready to knock any question they throw at you out of the park!
The key to landing that dream job or big promotion often comes down to how you perform in the job interview. After bombing some interviews early in his career, Sam Owens vowed that would never happen to him again and began work on a system to ensure he was ready for even the most oddball questions in future interviews. The system he developed proved so successful, Sam built a career coaching business around teaching it to others and has now coached thousands of people on how to prepare for interviews.
In I Hate Job Interviews, Sam shares his proven methodology and provides simple frameworks and demonstrations on how to answer any type of job interview question. Using this proven system, job candidates will gain confidence in answering introductory, behavioral, hypothetical, opinion, personal, think-on-your-feet, salary, and self-awareness questions. You will learn:
- How to craft “power" examples to show how your skills align perfectly with the job you are applying for.
- To conduct practice interviews so you are ready when the big day arrives.
- To make a big first impression with that first question.
- To tell compelling stories that clearly demonstrate your abilities.
- Simple strategies and frameworks to nail hypothetical and scenario questions.
- Salary negotiation skills to maximize your job offer.
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