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Managing Leadership Anxiety: Yours and Theirs

Steve Cuss
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Product Description
You Can Learn to Handle the Onslaught of Internal and External Pressures Does anxiety get in the way of your ability to be an effective leader? I... Read More

You Can Learn to Handle the Onslaught of Internal and External Pressures  

Does anxiety get in the way of your ability to be an effective leader? Is your inability to notice when you and those around you are anxious keeping you "stuck" in chronic unhealthy patterns? In Managing Leadership Anxiety, pastor and spiritual growth expert Steve Cuss offers powerful tools to help you move from being managed by anxiety to managing anxiety.

You'll develop the capacity to notice your anxiety and your group's anxiety. You will increase your sensitivity to the way groups develop systemic anxiety that keeps them trapped. Your personal self-awareness will increase as you learn how self gets in the way of identifying and addressing issues.

Managing Leadership Anxiety offers valuable principles to those who are hungry to understand the source of the anxiety in themselves and in the people with whom they relate. Readers will be empowered to take back control of their lives and lead in mature and vibrant ways.

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Additional Information
  • Contributor(s)Steve Cuss
  • About the Contributor(s) Steve Cuss is a pastor, former chaplain, and founder of Capable Life which helps people lower internal and relational anxiety...

    Steve Cuss is a pastor, former chaplain, and founder of Capable Life which helps people lower internal and relational anxiety in the work place and home place. Steve, his wife, Lisa, and two sons and a daughter live in Erie, Colorado.

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  • ISBN-139781400210886
  • Publish Date04/09/2019
  • PublisherThomas Nelson
  • Format Softcover
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Weight (lbs)0.52 lb
  • Case Weight (lbs)18.73 lb
  • Dimensions 8.35(h) x 5.5(w) x 1.2(d) inches
  • Pages224
  • Price $13.99

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