Success in business often hinges on good negotiation, and that takes advanced skills in listening, self-awareness, conflict resolution, assertivene...
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Success in business often hinges on good negotiation, and that takes advanced skills in listening, self-awareness, conflict resolution, assertiveness, and more.
Negotiation at Work includes easy-to-use exercises to help you instill your employees with the confidence they need to become strong negotiators. Each activity includes a description, detailed directions, goals, additional resources, and trainer notes to guide your facilitation.
Your team will learn how to:
- plan effectively for a negotiation,
- ask the right questions,
- build trust,
- analyze each negotiation creatively,
- strategically frame each party's needs and interests,
- successfully negotiate with difficult people,
- and determine their own negotiating style.
To instruct in the complicated subject of negotiation, managers and trainers can’t rely on simple pep talks or basic business strategy. Featuring transcripts from real negotiations, case studies, assessments, and even practice negotiation sessions, Negotiation at Work has everything you need to successfully train others up in skills that will lead to increased sales, big company savings, and control over their careers.
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