The average attention span has dropped to 8 seconds. To break through to people, you need to focus on your audience, be slightly different, and del...
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The average attention span has dropped to 8 seconds. To break through to people, you need to focus on your audience, be slightly different, and deliver with finesse.
Every day at work, people do three things: talk, listen, and pretend to listen. Through fast, fun, actionable tips, You've Got 8 Seconds explains what works and what doesn't, what's forgettable and what sticks. With stories, scripts, and examples of good and bad messages, communications expert Paul Hellman reveals three main strategies:
- Focus: Design a strong message - then say it in seconds
- Variety: Make routine information come alive
- Presence: Convey confidence and command attention
You'll discover practical techniques, including the fast-focus method that Hellman uses with leadership teams; how to stand out in the first seconds of a presentation; and 10 actions that spell executive presence.
Whether pitching a project, giving a speech, selling a product, or just writing an email, You've Got 8 Seconds will make sure you get heard, get remembered, and get results.
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