Sociologists tell us that even the most introverted individual will influence ten thousand other people during his or her lifetime!
This amazing statistic was shared with me by my associate Tim Elmore.
Tim and I concluded that each one of us is both influencing and being influenced by others. That means that all of us are leading in some areas, while in other areas we are being led.
No one is excluded from being a leader or a follower.
Realizing your potential as a leader is your responsibility.
In any given situation with any given group, there is a prominent influencer. The prominent leader of any group is quite easily discovered.
Just observe the people as they gather.
If an issue is to be decided…
- Who is the person whose opinion seems most valuable?
- Who is the one others watch the most when the issue is being discussed?
- Who is the one with whom people quickly agree?
- Most importantly, who is the one the others follow?
Answers to these questions will help you discern who the real leader is in a particular group.