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  • 6 Ways to Recognize a Team Member With Leadership Potential

    One of the primary responsibilities of any successful leader is to identify people with leadership potential. In this featured excerpt from The Leader's Greatest Return, John C. Maxwell shares his best advice for team leaders, hiring managers, entrepreneurs, and anyone responsible for building teams.
  • Book of the Month Q&A: Build Your Social and Emotional Leadership Skills with Tim Elmore

    Leadership is harder than ever, and it will only get more complex. Author and long-time mentee of John C. Maxwell, Tim Elmore, believes leaders must meet complexity with complexity. They must expand their leadership skills, and he shares how in this enlightening Q&A.
  • How Self-Aware Leaders Deal with Criticism and Negative Comments

    John Maxwell shares his 4 four best tips for how to deal with criticism as a self-aware leader in this excerpt from his book, The Self-Aware Leader.
  • The Best John Maxwell Book for Every Stage of Your Career

    No matter which stage of your career you’re in, you can find wisdom, guidance, and leadership training inside the pages of these bestselling books by John C. Maxwell. Explore our top picks for the best John Maxwell book for every stage of your career.
  • 3 Ways to Set Priorities According to John C. Maxwell

    John C. Maxwell says the ability to set priorities is one of the true marks of a leader. But if you're focused more on time management than task management, you'll never achieve this very crucial level of leadership. Discover how to set priorities like a leader in this excerpt from Maxwell's bestselling book, Developing the Leader Within You 2.0.
  • Copy and Paste These 5 Mentoring Lessons John C. Maxwell Uses to Build Every Mentor Relationship

    Explore our readers’ top five favorite mentoring lessons by Maxwell with guidance for leaders who are transitioning to mentors and specific assignments for mentors to work through with their students.
  • Ready for Mentorship? These 3 Books are Perfect for Mentors and Mentees

    Whether you're seeking a mentor or are ready to take on a mentee, these books by John C. Maxwell will prepare you for the responsibility of mentorship.
  • 8 Ways to Practice Abundant Leadership

    Abundant leadership is the belief that cultivating meaningful interactions with followers makes you a stronger leader. Author of The Five-Week Leadership Challenge, Patrick Leddin, shares his experiences with abundant leaders and not-so-abundant leaders, as well as practical steps for you to take if you want to be known for your abundant leadership.
  • Leadership Book Summaries: Leadershift by John C. Maxwell

    Have you ever wanted to read Leadershift by John C. Maxwell? Book summaries are a great way to learn a little bit more about a book before buying it. Here's where you can find a sneak peek inside Leadershift.
  • 9 Relationship Principles for Winning with People

    What if you could maximize your relationships? John C. Maxwell has been teaching his principles for winning with people to millions of readers for decades. In this article, we share our favorite principles—you could call it a book summary or even fan nonfiction!
  • How Millennial Managers Prepared Us for the New Hybrid Workplace

    Millennial managers helped today’s companies navigate unprecedented times and adapted the workplace to the needs of employees. Karsh and Templin share how millennials have impacted the workplace by tweaking the ideas and structures that they didn’t think worked anymore and deliver some insights into why they’re perfectly positioned to lead the new hybrid workplace:
  • 5 Management Training Tips for Creative Leaders and Teams

    The jump to a managerial role poses a whole new set of challenges for creative professionals, especially when they'll be managing a creative team. Here are 5 management training tips from Facebook Reality Labs' Global Executive Creative Director, Jason Sperling.