Chapter-by-Chapter Book Summaries
Chapter 1: Why Every Leader Needs to Leadershift
If you want to be an effective leader, you must leadershift. You cannot be the same, think the same, and act the same if you hope to be successful in a world that does not remain the same.
Chapter 2: Soloist to Conductor / The Focus Shift
You can be a successful person on your own, but not a successful leader. The way forward as the leader of an organization is to utilize the gifts of the entire team.
Chapter 3: Goals to Growth / The Personal Development Shift
It is imperative for leaders to make the personal development shift from a short-term goal orientation to a long-term growth orientation. There are three significant changes needed to achieve the shift: growth outward to growth inward; growth in everything to growth in a few vital things; and growth with a timeline versus growth without a finish line.
Chapter 4: Perks to Price / The Cost Shift
There are three common costs that every leader needs to take into account to make the cost shift: reality, example, and consistency.
Chapter 5: Pleasing People to Challenging People / The Relational Shift
You can never really lead your organization, serve your people, or reach your leadership potential if you are always trying to make others happy. The stark reality is that you cannot lead people if you need people.
Chapter 6: Maintaining to Creating / The Abundance Shift
If you want to shift from maintaining to creating in your life and leadership, then you need to learn and live by a few creative principles including building a creative culture, making everything better, making plans but looking for options, and more as outlined in the book.
Chapter 7: Ladder Climbing to Ladder Building / The Reproduction Shift
This leadershift is about changing from being a personal producer to an equipper of others. When it comes to investing in and helping someone by holding, extending, and building his or her ladder, it is important who you choose to mentor.
Chapter 8: Directing to Connecting / The Communication Shift
Changing from directing to connecting is one of the most valuable shifts you will ever make as a leader. When you direct, it is like building a bridge to others, but the traffic only goes one way. When you connect, it is a two-way street. And because of that, everything improves.
Chapter 9: Team Uniformity to Team Diversity / The Improvement Shift
When properly led, motivated, and unleashed, a diverse group of professionals can give your leadership team an uncommon advantage over your competitors.
Chapter 10: Positional Authority to Moral Authority / The Influence Shift
Moral authority can sound mystical and out of reach. However, it is grounded in four things: competence, courage, consistency, and character.
Chapter 11: Trained Leaders to Transformational Leaders / The Impact Shift
To be transformational, leaders must develop and reproduce leaders. As leaders, we have to be changed to bring change.
Chapter 12: Career to Calling / The Passion Shift
It is useful to identify the characteristics of a calling in order to home in on yours. In this final chapter of Leadershift, Maxwell provides steps for maximizing your calling.