This helpful book explains how anyone can develop in themselves a visionary leadership.
Most leaders today have not developed the visionary capaci...
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This helpful book explains how anyone can develop in themselves a visionary leadership.
Most leaders today have not developed the visionary capacity necessary to look ahead and explore strategic futures. Or at least their so-called vision is not one that compels, inspires, and energizes their people. Vision may sound like a rare quality, attainable by only a select few--but nothing could be further from the truth.
Strategy and leadership expert Rob-Jan de Jong describes how it simply boils down to sharpening two key skills: 1) the ability to see things early, and 2) the power to connect the dots. Using the author’s trademarked FuturePriming process, which helps distinguish signal from noise, readers geared toward fine-tuning these two essential skills will discover how to:
- Tap into their imagination and open themselves up to the unconventional
- Become better at seeing things early
- Frame the big-picture view that provides direction for the future
- Communicate your vision in a way that engages others and provokes action
When you can anticipate change before your competitors, you create enormous strategic advantage. That's what visionaries do, and now so can you.
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