As a leader, a coach is the most significant role you can play. Discover how coaching makes developing people a high-payoff activity where you can ...
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As a leader, a coach is the most significant role you can play. Discover how coaching makes developing people a high-payoff activity where you can equip tomorrow’s leaders, today.
As a coach to some of the country’s highest-profile executives, Daniel Harkavy has witnessed the transformation - both professional and personal - that comes when leaders utilize coaching to turn their paycheck-driven teams into cultures of vibrant and successful growth.
Since founding his company Building Champions Inc. in 1996, Harkavy and his team have coached thousands and shared their knowledge by certifying coaching leaders across the country. Now, in this strategic and thought-provoking guide, he shares his proven strategy for improving your team’s performance while raising quality of life inside and outside of the office.
In Becoming a Coaching Leader, you will learn:
- the core four foundations to every coaching strategy,
- the most powerful leadership tools you can and should leverage,
- and the key behaviors and disciplines of successful coaching leaders.
Becoming a Coaching Leader shows you how to leverage coaching techniques to equip tomorrow’s leaders and pave a lasting leadership legacy.
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