Leadership guru John C. Maxwell and his friend Jim Dornan share their straightforward, effective way for making an impact on the world: make an imp...
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Leadership guru John C. Maxwell and his friend Jim Dornan share their straightforward, effective way for making an impact on the world: make an impact on individual people. How? Through influence. How to Influence People will empower you on your journey to becoming a potent and positive influence in your relationships both great and small.
By pouring your life into other people, which is Dr. Maxwell’s definition of “mentorship,” you can truly make a difference. And when you have a meaningful impact on the lives of those around you--from your children and coworkers to your customers and the barista at your favorite coffee shop--it makes a difference in your life too.
You’ll learn to perceive the stages of influence in your relationships and skillfully navigate your progress--from perfect stranger, to helpful confidant, to inspiring mentor--until, ultimately, you attain the highest honor there is for an influencer: becoming a multiplier of other influencers.
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