As leaders of prestigious executive search firms and organizational consulting firms, Janice Reals Ellig and William J. Morin have decades of exper...
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As leaders of prestigious executive search firms and organizational consulting firms, Janice Reals Ellig and William J. Morin have decades of experience working with people who failed to see or understand the signs of trouble in their careers. Now, in this essential book, these two experts distill the most common problems and situations that can cause a person to detour, stall, get lost, or crash and burn on their career highway into twenty essential lessons. Driving the Career Highway teaches readers how to read these warning “road signs” by explaining how and when to make a career change, how to manage your boss, what it takes to compete, how to avoid burn out, how to prioritize your family, what tools and skills give you an advantage, and many other pieces of insider advice.
You’re accelerating quickly in your career, but how do you know you’re not headed toward disaster? This highly-acclaimed book provides the tools you need to avoid bumps in the road, navigate daily traffic, stay in the driver’s seat--and ensure you arrive safely to your planned destination.
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