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Napoleon on Project Management: Timeless Lessons in Planning, Execution, and Leadership

Jerry Manas
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Product Description
What is it about Napoleon Bonaparte that has led recognized leaders such as General George S. Patton to study his principles and inspired countless... Read More
What is it about Napoleon Bonaparte that has led recognized leaders such as General George S. Patton to study his principles and inspired countless books on management and leadership to quote his maxims? Napoleon on Project Management explores the key principles behind this great historic leader’s successes to provide project managers the recipe for managing commitments and propelling their teams to victory. You’ll learn how to: leverage timeless wisdom to improve your project performance; prepare your team for battle through superior communication skills; apply Napoleon-level research, record-keeping, and organization methods to each of your projects; and gain an upper hand by understanding and leveraging the complex and essential dynamic between project management and strategic leadership. Who says history shouldn’t repeat itself? By exploring the leadership strategies that stand the test of time and learning how to avoid the triggers that ultimately lead to Napoleon’s downfall, you’ll learn how to strengthen and reinvigorate your modern-day project management practices, conquer every challenge, and help your organization grow and thrive. Read Less

Additional Information
  • Contributor(s)Jerry Manas
  • About the Contributor(s) A certified Project Management Professional, Jerry Manas has provided project management, team building, training, and product development services to the...A certified Project Management Professional, Jerry Manas has provided project management, team building, training, and product development services to the Information Technology sector for international Fortune 500 companies. He and his teams have received awards for numerous projects, including a global Y2K conversion project as well as acquisition and divestiture projects. He also contributed his leadership expertise to a multi-national Euro Currency Conversion Project. Manas is on the Board of Directors for PMI's Aerospace and Defense Specific Interest Group (SIG), is co-founder of PMThink! Project Management Thought Leadership (, and is a contributor to several of PMI's international standards, including the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) and the upcoming standards for program and portfolio management. show more
  • ISBN-139781595552433
  • Publish Date10/14/2008
  • PublisherHarperCollins Leadership
  • Format Softcover
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Weight (lbs)0.66 lb
  • Case Weight (lbs)23.73 lb
  • Dimensions 8.56(h) x 5.5(w) x 0.75(d) inches
  • Pages288
  • Price $13.99

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