Do you dream big? Now you can put your dream to the test and bring it to life!
What's the difference between a dreamer and someone who achieves a d...
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Do you dream big? Now you can put your dream to the test and bring it to life!
What's the difference between a dreamer and someone who achieves a dream? According to best-selling author and leadership expert Dr. John C. Maxwell, the answer lies in answering ten powerful, straightforward questions.
Whether you've lost sight of an old dream or you are searching for a new one within you, this book provides a step-by-step action plan that you can start using today to see, own, and reach your dream. Dr. Maxwell draws on his forty years of mentoring experience to expertly guide you through the ten questions required of every successful dreamer.
In Put Your Dream to the Test, Maxwell will help you:
- Discover and define what your dream should be
- Create a blueprint for a path to achieve success
- See real-world examples of what success could look like for you
It's one thing to have a dream. It's another to do the things needed to achieve it. If you're willing to put your dream to the test and do what's needed to answer yes to the ten dream questions, then your odds are very good for seeing your dream become reality.
Don't leave your dream to chance. This book is a must-have and can make the difference between failure and success.
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