In this instructive guide to time management, author Michael Dobson provides tips, techniques, and commonsense advice that will give anyone better ...
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In this instructive guide to time management, author Michael Dobson provides tips, techniques, and commonsense advice that will give anyone better agency over his or her time and significantly increase productivity. Real-World Time Management does this by offering readers valuable tips on how to: set priorities; stay on track; keep a closed-door policy; avoid interrupters; and reduce stress. You’ll also learn how to handle distractions, stop procrastinating, delegate tasks, deal with meetings, and manage time effectively while traveling.
Most of us dream about having a few extra hours in our day for taking care of business, relaxing, or engaging in the activities we most enjoy. But how can we make the most of our time when it seems as though there aren’t enough hours in the day? Now newly updated, this enlightening and essential guide will help leaders and frontline employees alike wrangle and order their time--no matter how hectic their lives may seem.
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