The AMA Handbook of Public Relations combines proven PR strategies with best practices for web-based campaigns--including leveraging websites, blog...
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The AMA Handbook of Public Relations combines proven PR strategies with best practices for web-based campaigns--including leveraging websites, blogs, podcasts, and social networking sites--to help public relations professionals succeed in the ever-changing, dynamic age of digital communication. PR icon Robert Dilenschnelder provides readers with up-to-the-minute web-savvy tips and tools to teach them how to master media relations, manage rumors and crises, adapt areas of specialization to the internet, work with trade publications, monitor the web for positive and negative feedback, allocate resources and establish budgets, and measure the impact of web-based strategies. As a medium for corporate communications, branding, product information, and more, the web offers immense value for PR--but it can also be a double-edged sword. Designed for daily use in a changed and changing world, The AMA Handbook of Public Relations covers everything you need to know to craft and execute successful PR campaigns and help others and yourself maintain a favorable public image that generates new business.
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