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The Facilitator's Fieldbook

Tom Justice | David Jamieson
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Product Description
An invaluable guide that provides you with the comprehensive tools and knowledge you need to help your teams--and, ultimately, your organization--s... Read More

An invaluable guide that provides you with the comprehensive tools and knowledge you need to help your teams--and, ultimately, your organization--succeed.

The completely revised third edition of this longtime go-to resource for novice and experienced facilitators provides new team-building exercises as well as updated information on virtual meetings, mediation, strategic planning, and much more.

Loaded with procedures, checklists, guidelines, samples, and templates, The Facilitator’s Fieldbook covers all the key areas of successful team management, including:

  • establishing ground rules
  • planning meetings and agendas,
  • brainstorming,
  • resolving conflict,
  • making decisions,
  • and helping groups optimize their time.

You’ll also gain tips on maintaining the tone and flow of meetings, and will learn to determine when to delegate projects to individuals rather than assembling a group. Collaborative projects have become an increasingly prevalent feature of modern business strategies and workplace dynamics. But intentional, strategic facilitation is essential to making sure these groups and teams are effective.

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Additional Information
  • Contributor(s)Tom Justice , David Jamieson
  • About the Contributor(s) TOM JUSTICE is an organizational development practitioner and the president of Justice Associates, a consulting firm specializing in organizational capacity.DAVID...TOM JUSTICE is an organizational development practitioner and the president of Justice Associates, a consulting firm specializing in organizational capacity.

    DAVID W. JAMIESON, PH.D., is department chair, Organization Learning Development, University of St. Thomas and coauthor of Managing Workforce 2000.
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  • ISBN-139780814420089
  • Publish Date10/03/2012
  • PublisherHarperCollins Leadership
  • Format Softcover
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Weight (lbs)2.51 lb
  • Case Weight (lbs)2.51 lb
  • Dimensions 11.01(h) x 8.5(w) x 0.99(d) inches
  • Pages480
  • Price $34.99

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