Of all the obstacles and surprises managers know are heading their way each day, the one they least anticipate and prepare for is the resignation o...
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Of all the obstacles and surprises managers know are heading their way each day, the one they least anticipate and prepare for is the resignation of a seemingly happy and extremely valued employee. It’s the cement truck they never saw coming their way--but they could have.
This invaluable resource introduces managers to a powerful new engagement and retention tool that they absolutely must begin utilizing ASAP: the stay interview. Smart companies and managers who have realized the importance of being proactive with their employees and not taking anything for granted have begun conducting these periodic reviews in order to discover why their important talent might leave and to solve any problems before they actually quit.
Written by the retention expert who pioneered the process, The Stay Interview shows managers how to:
- Prepare for the stay interview
- Anticipate an employee's top issues
- Respond to difficult questions
- Listen effectively and dig deeper
- Craft a detailed and effective stay plan complete with timeline
Assess each employee's level of engagement, predict potential exits, and communicate results to upper management
When you have the right people in place, you can’t risk losing them. Complete with the five best questions to ask and sample scripts for different situations, The Stay Interview provides the key to saving yourself unnecessary headaches and surprises.
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