Are you building a typical team or a high-performance tribe? The motivational power of the desire to belong is the key element for ensuring employe...
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Are you building a typical team or a high-performance tribe? The motivational power of the desire to belong is the key element for ensuring employee satisfaction and retention, as well as your company’s long-term success.
What happens when leaders revive the workplace by tapping into a hardwired human need? That need, a sense of belonging, can resuscitate employee satisfaction and retention, while also contributing to a company’s long-term success.
In Work Tribes, Shawn Murphy, CEO of WorqIQ and a sought-after leadership speaker, will show you:
- tap into the motivational pull of belonging in a healthy workplace culture
- why a human-centered approach is more aligned with the way we work in the twenty-first century
- the need to resuscitate employee satisfaction and retention to cultivate a sense of belonging
Employees want more than a job. They want an opportunity to solve essential problems and receive fair pay and benefits. While some companies use slick culture tricks to attract and retain employees, a more meaningful experience can be created by fostering a sense of belonging.
Astonishing outcomes result from making your employees feel welcomed, wanted, and valued--and this book will show you how to transform your team into a unified tribe.
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